Hello, Summer!

It is that time of the year again, you are glad it is here but you also wish for it to end as soon as possible! It is time for Summer. We were trying to find a name for this blog post and we did something crazy – we googled for ideas! I know right! We found a lot of quotes/posters about how awesome Summer is and while we did agree with them, there was also this tiny (not so tiny) part of us thinking – “nikul poora vora Kudla batthd thoole marre, saipar!”

We got to reminiscing about how times have changed and maybe there was a time when we truly felt like all these posters/quotes on the internet. Summer was the time for vacation, time to visit grandparents, to make new friends in summer camps (although some of us dreaded it), time to go to the beach (it is always beach time with us), time to meet cousins, time to buy new books/bag/shoes for school…it is truly a never ending list. Every year we complain as to how this time is definitely a lot more hotter than the last, may be that is the case or maybe, every year we just have less fun, get a little less crazy! There was a time when were really did not care how hot it was outside, we just wanted to go out and play!

Where have these times gone? May be time has actually stood still, it is still right here, waiting to be turned into memories, we just fail to recognize it anymore!


This summer, go out, be a little crazy, have some fun and while you are at it, shop at Wotrasi.com for the most comfy t-shirts to cope up with the heat!

Wishing you a Happy Summer!

Team Wotrasi

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