The sand, the waves and everything nice…

Regardless of whether you grew up here, came here once a year for summer vacations, relocated here for work or even if you’ve come here for studies…each and every one of you will have some or the other memories from the beach. From the old to the young…from the adventurous to the more laid back…the beach has something to offer for everybody.New Image1Why this sudden interest you ask? Maybe it is because all of us here at Team Wotrasi have our own special beach stories that we hold very close to our hearts; Maybe it is because we recently visited the beach and had a time of our lives and a lot of memories came flooding back to us. Either way, here are our top memories of the beach and reasons why after all the years, we still love going there!

For those who grew up here, summer vacations meant only 1 thing –  it was time for your cousins to visit and these visits for most of us would be quite incomplete without a trip to the beach, where we would get completely drenched and then have the elders hold a towel around us so we could change!2As children going to the beach meant having a mini picnic with family, drawing on sand, digging tunnels, building sand castles, catching crabs, collecting seashells (which aren’t as colorful now as they used to be back in the day), writing our names on the sand for the waves to wipe off and what not! There are good memories to have

A visit to the beach would be left incomplete, even now, without eating churmuri or some other street food (if you go to the more fancy beaches like Malpe or Tannirbavi)New Image9Speaking of Malpe,  it can very well be considered a sin (for only the fish lovers of course) to visit and not eat any one of the wide variety of fresh fishes kept available at multiple shops!New Image2

Even though every year without fail all the beach festivals, kite festivals etc would get really crowded, every year without fail we would manage to drag either our friends or our parents to it.

As we’ve grown older, we have now learnt to enjoy the long rides to the beach, the scenic routes. Be it a ride to Marvanthe or Sasithlu to enjoy a ride between the beach and the river or a ride to Bengere where the 2 meet. We are sure there are a lot more such scenic places that we are not aware of, do let us know in the comments so we could give them a visit as well!

Now that we have to earn for ourselves, we all know the pain of the “month-end”, what better place to chill at other than the beach? If we can manage to find some chillar hidden somewhere, then there is no greater joy than having a plate of maggi or a cup of chai by the beach

Water sports are also a new thing in beaches these days for those who love the adrenaline rush! For those who prefer non – life threatening activities there is beach volleyball, beach football etc.

After a long hard day , there is something extremely relaxing about the cold water at you feet, breeze in your hair, the sound of the waves and the lovely ambiance set by setting sun…Fotor_146453380010731We are sure that you guys have a lot more wotrasi stories that we would love to hear in the comments section!Fotor_14562121656607Do share this with your friends and family and Do not forget to Be happy, Be you & Be Wotrasi.

Please stay safe whenever you do visit the beach, you are already a superhero in your own way, there is no need to prove it! : )

Also do visit to check out our wacky products!New Image5


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