The new age gods…

The festive season in Kudla has ended and even though it was as grand as it could be, you could still find a couple of elders reminiscing how it used to be and how ittheda jokulu have no bhakthi!

This post is dedicated to all these “ittheda jokulu”, we still believe in God and we still pray with all our hearts, with just a little modifications of our own. Read on to know what I mean.

In today’s age of the internet, when we are all set to watch something on Netflix or Youtube and the Wifi stops working, we pray, we pray for the video to stop buffering so much!

Media player with loading/buffering icon vector illustration

Speaking of the internet, it is also the age of torrents and the heartbreak we felt was too real when Torrentz or Kickass Torrents shut down. We still found other such sites to fill the hole in our hearts and we pray when a movie or a show takes forever to download.


A smart phone has become such an integral  part of our lives right now and don’t tell me that when that when you drop that phone of yours, that too, face down, you don’t tell a silent prayer before you slowly pick it up to check if the screen is cracked!


This one is for you corporate guys! When you are running late for office, when you are stuck in a fuck all meeting, it is just a general Monday , a Friday (for the software guys) or a Saturday for the others, tell me you do not pray to either freeze time or to make the time go fast!


For the ones who drive, how many times have you been driving/riding and you see that there is someone in front of you who is going a little slower than normal? Well, you keep patience and honk once or twice and then slowly you realize that he/she was either looking for a parking spot or was looking to take a turn and has just forgotten the existence of the indicator! Be honest, first you curse them, then you proceed to question God as to why such people even get their licence. Well  this isn’t praying, but you do think of god!


The next time someone tells you that you should pray more often show them this, better yet, share this with them!

As always, do not forget to Be Happy, Be you & Be as Wotrasi as you possibly can!



Team Wotrasi 🙂

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